[Jhin Abilities][grids]

Jhin Abilities - Patch Effects

[Patch Effects][bsummary]

Jhin Teamfights


Jhin has two viable strategies in teamfights: either appear at the start of the battle, or at the end. If he chooses to stick with his team, he takes up a traditional backline position, setting up traps to protect his fellow squishes while aiming Deadly Flourish at marked targets. Dancing Grenade only adds to the carnage, and when the enemy team starts to flee, Jhin’s perfectly positioned to fully assemble Whisper and cut the remaining enemies down with Curtain Call.

Alternatively, Jhin can choose to set the stage early by firing off his ult first. This makes him an unusual character in a teamfight because he won’t actually be seen, at least initially. And while enemy teams might first revel in the apparently lopsided fight, they’ll quickly realize that the Virtuoso’s absence is deliberate. Jhin’s presence may not be felt, but his bullets absolutely will. Curtain Call deals less damage to high health enemies, but the ability’s slow will hinder enemy frontliners from getting to where they want to be, and stop vulnerable enemies from squirming away from Jhin’s damage dealing allies. More importantly, Curtain Call will start to pin Jhin’s enemies down, forcing them to hide behind their tankier allies or run for cover. And even when his ult’s spent, Jhin can contribute to fights, locking down marked targets with Deadly Flourish so his allies can clean up the fight and push on toward victory.

"Curtain Call will start to pin Jhin’s enemies down, forcing them to hide behind their tankier allies or run for cover."

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